Contact Info

Join our email discussion list at PS CSTA Google Group.
Contact us via email at csta.pugetsound at
View our meeting calendar at PS CSTA Google Calendar.
Teachers can join CSTA for FREE as individual members.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

May 21 Meeting - Show and Tell

Greetings, everyone.

Our next chapter meeting is Saturday, May 21.

For this meeting, we are inviting all members to bring a project, teaching idea, or interesting application of CS and share it with everyone. Possible topics might be robotics, games, mobile apps, etc.

If you would like to sign up for a 30 minute slot on the schedule, just go to PS CSTA Show and Tell - May 2011 and make an entry.

We look forward to seeing you.

Note that we are back to our normal schedule of 1:00 - 4:00 pm for this meeting, in the UW CSE's Paul Allen Center, 6th Floor Commons.

Details here: PS CSTA Meeting Info.