Contact Info

Join our email discussion list at PS CSTA Google Group.
Contact us via email at csta.pugetsound at
View our meeting calendar at PS CSTA Google Calendar.
Teachers can join CSTA for FREE as individual members.


Next meeting
Every wonder what it's like to participate in a Hack-A-Thon? Join us for a whirl wind 2 hour experience during November's PSCSTA meeting where we will host a speed dating version of a Hack-A-Thon.  Bring your laptop, your creative coder hats and an open mind, and maybe an idea or two (don't worry if you're stuck, we'll have a few ideas for you as well). We'll provide mobile devices and instruction on low-fidelity prototyping and rapid development for mobile devices using MIT's App Inventor. 

Bring your own computer and if you have an Android Device, bring that too.  All you will need is a Google Account to use App Inventor.

Parking is provided free of charge.  If you do not receive parking details, please e-mail

2014-2015 Meeting Schedule
Sessions in blue are activities that bring students to the UW campus for organized events.

Date Topic Presenter Description
Sep 27, 2014 Security Kendrick Hang Rarely a week goes by without a security-related topic appearing in the news headlines. Whether it be viruses, worms, identity theft, phishing, or hacking, security is often on the minds of computing professionals and everyday users. In computer science classes, we can introduce the basic principles and practices of computer security and even use security issues and hacking activities to draw students into computer science. Ken Hang from Green River Community College will share two high school level security/hacking competitions designed to inspire students, Cyberpatriotand PicoCTF. The University of Washington security group will share hands-on security activities that can be done even without computers!
Oct 18, 2014
CS Ed Week Events and Preparation
Alec McTavish
What do you have planned for Computer Education Week, December 8 - 14th?  Learn about activities and events to increase interest and knowledge in computer science for your students and entire school.  We will have members present what has worked well in the past and their latest plans for this year, including how to get your Math and Science teachers more involved with opportunities like the Hour of Code.  Our round table discussion will be facilitated by Alec McTavish and will draw on the insightful experience of our members. 
We will also have a check in on the latest details for the December Programming Contest (Dec 13th) as part of these activities. 
Meeting Notes Here
Nov 15, 2014 User Centered Design: Mini Hack-a-thon  Lauren BrickerEvery wonder what it's like to participate in a Hack-A-Thon? Join us for a whirl wind 2 hour experience during November's PSCSTA meeting where we will host a speed dating version of a Hack-A-Thon.  Bring your laptop, your creative coder hats and an open mind, and maybe an idea or two (don't worry if you're stuck, we'll have a few ideas for you as well). We'll provide mobile devices and instruction on low-fidelity prototyping and rapid development for mobile devices using MIT's App Inventor. 
Dec 13, 2014 WINTER PROGRAMMING CONTEST DawgBytes + PSCSTA Student competition event, hosted at UW and TBD.
Jan 17, 2015 Game Development Options  Greg Kilpatrick
Feb 7, 2015 TECH Out! + PSCSTA Computing & STEM career day just for girls, organized by Hoppers.
Mar 21, 2015 Big Data Workshop TBDPending upcoming contests - we are looking for a host.
Apr 25, 2015 SPRING PROGRAMMING CONTEST PSCSTA Team Student competition event, hosted at TBD
May 16, 2015 The State of CS Education:, CS Principles & more Earl Bergquist
Jun 20, 2015 All End of Year Wrap Up & Social We will discuss opportunities and plans for the summer and upcoming school year.  Socialize, maybe a small party, and hold our annual elections - you need not be present to be elected ;-)

Meeting Calendar
Add our meeting calendar to your own calendar by using this iCal address:
Instructions for:

Meeting Minutes

Look at past year's meeting topics and minutes on the Archives page of this site.