Contact Info

Join our email discussion list at PS CSTA Google Group.
Contact us via email at csta.pugetsound at
View our meeting calendar at PS CSTA Google Calendar.
Teachers can join CSTA for FREE as individual members.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

2011-12 Meeting Schedule

Dear chapter members,

At our August meeting, we developed a plan for this year's chapter meetings. It promises to be another good year of CS discussions.

As last year, the meetings will be Saturdays, generally the 3rd one of the month, hosted by the UW CSE Department in the lovely 6th Floor Commons room of the Paul Allen Center.

You can find the schedule posted on the chapter website ( under the Meetings tab.

The summary version is below. BLUE items are student event days, rather than teacher meetings. (We've abandoned the idea of having teacher workshops in parallel with the student events.)

You can find a Google Calendar version also on the Meetings web page.

Hope to see everyone at the September and other meetings.


Sep 17, 2011: CS Assessments, Stuart Reges

Oct 15, 2011: CS Pedagogy, Hélène Martin

Nov 19, 2011: Intro to CS Courses, Andy Davidson

Dec 10, 2011: WINTER PROGRAMMING CONTEST, Crystal Hess
Jan 21, 2012: Robotics, Greg Kilpatrick

Feb 18, 2012: STEM Out!, Crystal Hess

Mar 17, 2012: Advanced CS Projects, Lauren Bricker

Apr 28, 2012: SPRING PROGRAMMING CONTEST, Crystal Hess

May 19, 2012: SIGCSE Review, Stuart Reges

Jun 16, 2012: Year-in-Review, All

Friday, August 26, 2011

Registration for ACSL International Contest About to Begin

I wanted to share something I received from the CSTA member listserv, for those that might not yet joined the CSTA. For a FREE membership to the CSTA, click here.

Greg Kilpatrick

This message is brought to you by the CSTA member listserv.

The American Computer Science League opens registration for this year's contest September 1st.

ACSL is An international computer science competition for grades 6-12 that is way more than just programming!!!

ACSL gives your school the opportunity to:
• Learn about really important computer science concepts
• Engage in creative algorithmic solutions to problems
• Compete against other schools from around the world
• Attend an Invitational All-Star Contest at a common site

There are four contests that are administered at each school monthly. Scores are cumulative. There are four divisions to choose from based upon student ability. Each contest consists of two parts:
• Short Problems – 5 questions on computer science topics that students must be taught before taking the test
• Programming Problem – creatively designed problems that students may solve using a language of their choice

Mention that you are a CSTA member and get a free Contest CD ($20) upon joining.

ACSL is also on approved activities list of the National Association of Secondary School Principals.

Jerry Tebrow

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Fall Kickoff Meeting: Sat, Aug 20

Greetings, everyone!

Hope you are all having a good summer.

Lauren gave me this analogy the other day: for a teacher, the summer is just a like a weekend. June is like Friday night. July is Saturday. August is Sunday. I'm sure none of you needs an explanation for that rhythm and the mental state that accompanies the trajectory of the weekend.

So, our first meeting of the 2011-12 academic year is this Saturday, August 20. As usual, it will be at 1:00 pm in the 6th floor conference room of the Paul Allen Center (CSE Building) on the UW's Seattle campus. Thanks as always to the CSE department for hosting and sponsoring us.

We have just one item on the schedule for this meeting -- to map out the schedule of meetings and topics for the coming year. The dates of our meetings are set; now we just need to decide what we'll do at each one.

We hope to see everyone Saturday for a good planning session. Bring your ideas, opinions, and desires for the CSTA sessions ahead. If you can't make it, but have any of those, feel free to post them to the group, or in the comments on this post on the blog, or email me.

In addition to content ideas, if you have opinions about the logistics, please let us know also. In particular, if you don't regularly come to the meetings but would like to, what would make you more likely to do so?


See you Saturday.
