Dear chapter members,
At our August meeting, we developed a plan for this year's chapter meetings. It promises to be another good year of CS discussions.
As last year, the meetings will be Saturdays, generally the 3rd one of the month, hosted by the UW CSE Department in the lovely 6th Floor Commons room of the Paul Allen Center.
You can find the schedule posted on the chapter website ( under the Meetings tab.
The summary version is below. BLUE items are student event days, rather than teacher meetings. (We've abandoned the idea of having teacher workshops in parallel with the student events.)
You can find a Google Calendar version also on the Meetings web page.
Hope to see everyone at the September and other meetings.
Sep 17, 2011: CS Assessments, Stuart Reges
Oct 15, 2011: CS Pedagogy, Hélène Martin
Nov 19, 2011: Intro to CS Courses, Andy Davidson
Dec 10, 2011: WINTER PROGRAMMING CONTEST, Crystal Hess
Jan 21, 2012: Robotics, Greg Kilpatrick
Feb 18, 2012: STEM Out!, Crystal Hess
Mar 17, 2012: Advanced CS Projects, Lauren Bricker
Apr 28, 2012: SPRING PROGRAMMING CONTEST, Crystal Hess
May 19, 2012: SIGCSE Review, Stuart Reges
Jun 16, 2012: Year-in-Review, All