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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Share your Intro to CS course

(Edit: notes posted)

Greetings, all.

This Saturday is our November chapter meeting, back at the usual venue in the UW CSE building, from 1:00 - 3:00 (or so).

The topic this month is introductory courses in CS. We'd like to have a roundtable discussion of goals, topics, syllabi, and languages and systems that people have used for teaching introductory courses in CS.

We invite teachers to sign up for slots to do quick presentations of their courses, and then have some discussion among the group for each one. The idea is about 15-30 minutes for each course.

If you would like to present your course concept and share your experiences or get feedback, please reply or comment to this post or send an email to and we'll organize the agenda.

