Contact Info

Join our email discussion list at PS CSTA Google Group.
Contact us via email at csta.pugetsound at
View our meeting calendar at PS CSTA Google Calendar.
Teachers can join CSTA for FREE as individual members.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Next chapter meeting this Saturday, May 19

Our next chapter meeting is this Saturday, May 19, from 1:00 -- 3:00 back in our usual venue, the UW CSE building.

We're not sure exactly what we'll discuss (Stuart says there isn't that much to report from  this year's SIGCSE conference), but it's sure to be a good time.

See you there.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

CS&IT Conference - July, 2012

The Computer Science & Information Technology (CS&IT) Conference is the only international conference specifically developed for K-12 computer science educators. This year the conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency Irvine on July 9th and 10th, 2012, in Irvine, CA. To see the agenda, register for the conference, or reserve your reduced housing rate at the Hyatt, visit

UW CSE Inspirational Teachers

Two of our chapter members recently received a nice recognition.

Hélène Martin and Lauren Bricker were fêted by the UW CSE department, having been nominated by current undergrads in that program as secondary teachers who inspired them in high school or community college classes.

Read more about the award and the event here: UW CSE “Inspirational Teacher” dinner.

Congratulations, Hélène and Lauren!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

April 2012 Programming Contest Results

Another successful competition has come and gone! We had 27 teams participate from 12 schools, 12 judges from industry, and 10 advisors. was our official sponsor! They provided us with many judges, 17 pizzas from Zeek's, tons of snacks and breakfast items, drinks, shirts for everyone, gift cards, and two kindles! Plus they let us use their facilities and provided us with a Tech Talk! We are very thankful for all their support of our contest.

Contest Winners:

Novice - 1st Place - Roosevelt High School - Team "x4x1x9xHeAdShOt" - Galen Caldwell, Kevin Ault, Grant Price
Novice  - 2nd Place - Roosevelt High School - Team "java.lang.Objects" - Kilian Folger, Sam Dixon
Novice - 3rd Place - Interlake High School - Team "while(true) WIN" - Alex Boulton

Advanced - 1st Place - Tahoma High School - Team "Q" - Colin Wallace, Ashton Ohms
Advanced - 2nd Place - Garfield High School - Team "By (Ge|J)orge" - Derrick Gasaway, George Matter, Jorge Bretzke 
Advanced - 3rd Place - Lakeside School - Team "QTPi" - Nat Mayer, Karisma Gupta, Chinmay Nirke

Contest Problems, Student Data, Judges Data:  Available here