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Contact us via email at csta.pugetsound at
View our meeting calendar at PS CSTA Google Calendar.
Teachers can join CSTA for FREE as individual members.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

September Meeting, Sat 9/22 at 10am (new start time)

(Edit: notes posted)

Our first real chapter meeting of the year is this Saturday, Sept 22, from 10am - Noon (socializing &  networking following till about 1pm), in the usual place, the 6th Floor Atrium of the Paul Allen Center (CSE building) on the UW campus.  Make sure to note the new earlier start time for our meeting at 10am.

Topic: Attracting and Retaining Students, hosted by Ashley Myers
  • Round-table discussion around how to bring a diverse group of students into a K-12 computing program and continuing to keep them engaged.
  • Discussion of making an inviting lab space, cool projects, clubs, planning for Computer Science Education Week, and other ways to increase visibility of your program.
  • Presentations from local IGNITE and DigiGirlz programs too!
Hope to see you all there. More details on this and future meetings on the Meetings page.

Earl B.

We have arranged for free parking in the C12 parking areas (just across the street from the building).

When checking in with one of the gatehouse attendants, please state that you have arranged parking under “CSTA MEETING”

Please see this map to review the locations of the different C12 areas and the gatehouses (blue pins).

2012 - 2013 Meeting Schedule

Dear chapter members,

At our August meeting, we developed a plan for this year's chapter meetings. It promises to be another great year of CS education discussions.

As usual, the meetings will be on Saturdays, hosted by the UW CSE Department in the lovely 6th Floor Commons room of the Paul Allen Center.  However we have changed the start of our meetings to 10am so they do not take up the middle of your Saturday.  The new meeting time is 10am to Noon for presentations and then Noon till about 1pm for socialization and networking.

The detailed schedule is posted on the chapter website ( under the Meetings tab. A summary version is below. BLUE items are student event days, rather than teacher meetings. We also have a Google Calendar version on the Meetings web page.

Hope to see everyone at the September 22nd and other meetings.

Earl B.

Sep 22, 2012: Attracting and Retaining StudentsAshley Myers

Oct 20, 2012: Processing, Hélène Martin

Nov 17, 2012: Mobile Device Programming, Earl Bergquist

Jan 12, 2013: Building a CS Program of Study: Beyond Intro & AP CSBrett Wortzman

Feb 9, 2013: STEM Out!, PS CSTA Team

Mar 23, 2013: SICSCE Report and Exploring CS & CS Principles UpdateStuart Reges


May 18, 2013: Physical ComputingHélène Martin

Jun 22, 2013: End of Year Wrap Up & Social, All