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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

November Meeting: Mobile Device Programming, Sat 11/17 at 10am

(Edit: notes posted)

Our next meeting is this Saturday, Nov 17th, 10am to noon featuring the topic of Mobile Device Programming.  Cell phone and tablet App's have taken the world by storm and provide an excellent way to interest students in programming.  On Saturday we will be hear from several teachers using this inspiring technology including:
- Michael Braun from Rainier Beach presenting his experience using Windows Tablets & Phones to teach his Intro to CS class teaming with TEALS volunteers, direct from the recent NY Times Article.
- Lauren Bricker will talk about her unit on mobile development also using App Inventor.
- Earl Bergquist will share the apps he learned this summer using MIT Android App Inventor that is part of a University of Oregon "Intro to Apps" class taught by Steve Fickas.

We will also discuss how these programs can fit into a variety of school's CS programs, the current challenges getting these into the classroom (there are still answers to be found), and share additional thoughts on the rise of the app.  I hope you can join us.

MIT App Inventor requires an online connection, a Google account and takes several steps to get installed & running.  If you would like to try it out with us during the meeting, you can start with these install instructions .

Note: our December 15th Meeting will be our PSCSTA Programming Contest.  Have your students sign up today!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

2012 December Programming Contest

Registration is now open for the December 15th programming contest!  See the programming contests page for the registration form and more details.

The event, generously sponsored by Microsoft, will take place at the University of Washington Paul Allen Center for Computer Science & Engineering.  Check-in starts at 8:30am and the award ceremony should finish around 2:15pm.  Students will solve programming problems in teams of 2 or 3 using the programming language of their choice.  They will also hear a brief talk by UW professor Magda Balazinska.

The registration cost is $24 for teams whose payments are postmarked by November 23rd.  Teams may then register until December 10th for $30.  Lunch and snacks will be provided.

It's bound to be a fantastic event and we look forward to seeing your students there!