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View our meeting calendar at PS CSTA Google Calendar.
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Monday, May 20, 2013

PSCSTA Scholarship Reminder

This post is to serve as a reminder to all students wanting to apply for the $500 scholarship. Applications are due Friday, May 24th. Please check out the scholarship tab for more information.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

May Meeting: Building a CS Program of Study - Saturday, May 18th

Next PSCSTA Meeting:
  • Topic: Building a CS Program of Study: Beyond Intro & AP CS hosted by Brett Wortzman
  • Date: Saturday, May 18th, 2013
  • New Time: 10am - Noon followed by Noon - 1pm socializing & Networking 
  • Place: UW, Paul Allen Center for CSE  (Directions & Parking)
The Intro/AP model for introducing high school students to CS is well-developed.  But how can we reach students who might shy away from these courses, or engage students beyond AP?  How can we introduce students to the full breadth of opportunities and experiences in computer science?  This roundtable discussion will focus on ideas for courses to interest students before, beyond, and beside Intro and AP.

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