Contact Info

Join our email discussion list at PS CSTA Google Group.
Contact us via email at csta.pugetsound at
View our meeting calendar at PS CSTA Google Calendar.
Teachers can join CSTA for FREE as individual members.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Tentative 2013-2014 schedule and member survey

Happy summer, everyone!

We had a productive meeting on June 22nd during which we put together a tentative schedule for next year:

  • Sept - Scratch lab
  • Oct - AP CS Labs lab
  • Nov - Nifty Lessons (volunteer through membership survey)
  • 14/Dec - Winter contest at UW
  • Jan - Physical Computing lab 
  • 8/Feb - STEM out! with Amazon Hoppers
  • Mar - AppInventor lab 
  • Apr - Spring contest at ??
  • May - State of CS Education 
  • Jun - Planning for 2014-2015
The finalized schedule including dates will be published in August.  Please fill out our short member survey to provide feedback on the proposed sessions and to help pick a date for the spring contest.

During our meeting, we decided to put together committees to formalize responsibilities around events, finances and communications.  This will streamline our processes and help maximize our impact.  We hope many of you will choose to participate in a committee!  Committee participation will not be a huge time commitment and is a great way to contribute to our community.  You can volunteer in the member survey described above.

Detailed meeting notes are available here.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

June Meeting: End of Year Wrap Up - Saturday June 22nd

Next PSCSTA Meeting: 
Discuss our events this past year and how we can improve on them next year - bring your ideas & suggestions.  Also discuss CS Educational opportunities & plans for the summer and upcoming school year.

And hold our annual elections; you need not be present to be elected ;-).

Upcoming events:

  • CS4HS an exploration of Computer Science for Math & Science teachers at UW on Wed-Friday, July 22-24th.  Details and registration: here
  • Let us know if there are any others to post!