Contact Info

Join our email discussion list at PS CSTA Google Group.
Contact us via email at csta.pugetsound at
View our meeting calendar at PS CSTA Google Calendar.
Teachers can join CSTA for FREE as individual members.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

STEM Out! 2014, Feb 8 from 9:45am-2:30pm

PSCSTA is hosting the 5th annual STEM Out! Girl's Event on Saturday, February 8, 2014 from 9:45am-2:30pm, sponsored and led by's Women in Engineering.

This event is to encourage girls from grades 7-12 to explore Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math careers! It's a FREE event and more information/registration can be found here:

Please help us spread the word and encourage your girls to participate!!

Download a PDF flyer by clicking: Stem Out 2014 Flyer.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Next meeting: Sat, 1/11 : APCS A Labs

Starting in the 2014-2015 school year, AP CS A will no longer include a case study such as Gridworld.  Instead, teachers will be responsible for including a significant lab component in their courses but students will not be tested on their knowledge of specific pieces of code.  The College Board is in the process of developing three sample labs.

Join us to discuss the implications of the lab requirement, to look over the provided samples and to try some of the suggested exercises for yourself.

We will be meeting in room 203 on the 2nd floor.
Two clock hours will be provided for the workshop portion.