Contact Info

Join our email discussion list at PS CSTA Google Group.
Contact us via email at csta.pugetsound at
View our meeting calendar at PS CSTA Google Calendar.
Teachers can join CSTA for FREE as individual members.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Next Meeting, Sat 11/15: User Centered Design: Mini Hack-a-thon

Every wonder what it's like to participate in a Hack-A-Thon? Join us for a whirl wind 2 hour experience during November's PSCSTA meeting where we will host a speed dating version of a Hack-A-Thon.  Bring your laptop, your creative coder hats and an open mind, and maybe an idea or two (don't worry if you're stuck, we'll have a few ideas for you as well). We'll provide mobile devices and instruction on low-fidelity prototyping and rapid development for mobile devices using MIT's App Inventor. 

Bring your own computer and if you have an Android Device, bring that too.  All you will need is a Google Account to use App Inventor.

Parking is provided free of charge.  If you do not receive parking details, please e-mail

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Next Meeting, Sat 10/18: Computer Science Ed Week Events and Preparation

What do you have planned for Computer Education Week, December 8 - 14th?  Learn about activities and events to increase interest and knowledge in computer science for your students and entire school.  We will have members present what has worked well in the past and their latest plans for this year, including how to get your Math and Science teachers more involved with opportunities like the Hour of Code.  Our round table discussion will be facilitated by Alec McTavish and will draw on the insightful experience of our members. 

+ We will also have a check in on the latest details for the December Programming Contest (Dec 13th) as part of these activities.  And we will hold elections for our officers. Hope to see you there!

Meeting Notes Here

Parking is provided free of charge.  If you do not receive parking details, please e-mail