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Saturday, April 16, 2011

April Programming Contest Results

First, thanks again so, so much to for being our official sponsor! Thanks to their support we were able to give away 10 gift cards ranging from $10-$50 as well as 4 kindles! Plus every participant got a tshirt and slap bracelet!


1st Place Overall: Garfield HS - Eamon Gaffney, Michael Rosenberger (programming in Python)
2nd Place Overall: Tahoma HS - Colin Wallace, Ashton Ohms (programming in Python)
3rd Place Overall: Garfield HS - Seth Vanderwilt, King Xia (programming in Python)

1st Place Novice: Garfield HS - Evan Barley-Greenfield, Nicky Kaman, Joel Jacobs (programming in Java)
2nd Place Novice: Kamiak HS - Tom Overton, Jarret Gaddy (programming in Java)
3rd Place Novice: Issaquah HS - Jeremy Tickman, Matthew Lam, Steven Yang (programming in Java)

At the contest, I accidentally announced 3rd Place Novice incorrectly :( I am very sorry about this mistake. Issaquah HS actually took 3rd Place scoring the same number of points as the Tahoma team I announced; however, Issaquah earned their points 15 mins faster than the Tahoma team.

Here are the detailed results for all teams

- Contest packets and data files
- Sample solutions [in python] [in java]

Thanks so much to everyone who came out to participate, judge, or support the contest. Hopefully we'll see you back next year for our December 2011 and April 2012 contests!

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