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Monday, January 16, 2012

January Puget Sound CSTA Meeting

Our next meeting of the Puget Sound Computer Science Teachers Assocation will be this Saturday, January 21st at the University of Washington. This weekend's topic is Robotics, with a roundtable discussion of options for teaching robotics and participating in competitions. Please bring any information you have to share.

We will be meeting in Room 503 on the 5th floor of the Paul G. Allen Center for Computer Science & Engineering, from 1 to 3 pm. Free parking is available in the garage and in parking lots near the building.

Greg Kilpatrick

1 comment:

  1. Hello everyone. We are keeping an eye on the weather and road conditions for this Saturday. The weather news is changing and they are saying that we might not see much improvement in the ice on the roadways until Friday. I'm hoping by Saturday the roads will be safe enough for members to make it into the University of Washington to our chapter meeting.

    Take care out there everyone.

    Greg Kilpatrick
