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Monday, December 16, 2013

Paul Allen Computing Challenge

Kate Starbird, a professor in the UW Human Centered Design and Engineering department, gave a terrific keynote on "data science" at last Saturday's contest.  At the end of her talk, she announced the Paul Allen Computing Challenge.  This exciting challenge will act as a bridge between our December and April contests.  Students will analyze real Twitter data related to Cyclone Phailin which hit India in mid-October 2013.  Participants who complete the challenge will receive great prizes including a Kindle pre-loaded with Paul Allen’s Memoir Idea Man: A Memoir by the Co-founder of Microsoft.

Please post this flyer in your classrooms and encourage your students to participate!

We encourage students to involve their friends who are not currently taking CS courses -- most of the challenges in Part 1 of the challenge can be completed with Excel or other non-programming tools.

Contest information and registration details can be found here.  The PACC is organized by a team of local groups that work with data science led by the Living Computer Museum and the PSCSTA.  Questions?  E-mail Justin Spielmann, Living Computer Museum Education Coordinator at justinS@

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