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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Next Meeting: Sat, April 16 -- Arduino/Processing

Greetings, all.

In addition to the Spring Programming Contest that Crystal Hess is organizing on the date of our April meeting (Saturday, the 16th), we are scheduled to have a workshop, by me, on Arduino and Processing.

If you're not familiar with Arduino, it is an open-source hardware/software platform (a small, inexpensive micro-controller) for prototyping electronics projects. Processing is a related open-source software environment for teaching computing and making interactive graphics, art, and much more.

For this workshop, I would like to get RSVPs to gauge both interest and intention to attend and participate. I'll have to round up enough hardware and other assorted electronics parts and sensors for everyone to have a hands-on experience.

So please send me an email or leave a comment on this blog post if you intend to be there.

Also, if you are interested in OSPI clock hours for the workshop (3 hours), please let me. I won't bother doing the registration paperwork if no one needs it.

Many thanks.

ad _at_ goldensection -dot- cc

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