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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Next Meeting: Sat, Mar 19 -- Functional Programming

Greetings everyone.

This is a reminder that our next chapter meeting will be this coming Saturday, March 19, at the usual time and place (1:00 - 4:00 pm at the UW Paul Allen Center).

At this meeting, Mark Engleberg will discuss functional programming. He's going to be talking about the award-winning "Program by Design" curriculum.

Mark will discuss the specifics of how he implements the curriculum using the DrRacket IDE and the graphics and animation teachpacks. He will describe functional programming, and make a case for teaching functional programming first with beginning students.

But more importantly, Mark will explain the philosophical principles that underlie the curriculum. Even if you have no interest in teaching Racket or teaching functional programming, his goal is to change the way you think about teaching computer science, and leave you with concrete ideas that you can incorporate into your existing curriculum to achieve better results with your students.

Hope to see everyone there.

See this page for the full schedule of chapter meetings.

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