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Monday, March 25, 2013

Saturday April 27th Programming Contest is now taking Wait List Registrations

In the first day, we have maxed out the number of teams for the Programming Contest!  But we encourage any students interested to register to be placed on our wait list (here).  If teams cancel or fail to have their payment received by April 11th, we will invite teams to join the competition by email in the order they are received.  Good luck!

For those Registered teams and their Teachers/Advisors: 

- Make sure that the $30 registration fee is mailed in early so it will be received by Thursday, 11th April. Please send checks made out to PSCSTA with team member names to:    PSCSTA (Puget Sound Computer Science Teachers Association)
    4616 25th AVE NE #573
    SEATTLE, WA 98105

- The competition will be held at the same location as last year: Dawson North
345 Boren Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98109
   - Street or lot parking is available in the neighborhood.  

   - Enter the north building from the south side under the sky bridge.

Full details at the Programming Contest tab above. And contact the PSCSTA Planning Team at if you have any questions.

Upcoming events:

  • AWEsome Evening Celebrating Women in Engineering Monday, April 1st.  details linked here
  • CS Review day at UW for AP CS and UW in the High School CSE 142 students on Saturday May 4th 1pm - 4pm.  Details and registration here 
  • AppDay is Thursday, May 23rd at Rainier Beach HS, details & registration at
  • CodeDay Seattle is May 25th-26th, details at

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