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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Spring 2013 Programming Contest Report

We had 100 students in 40 teams representing 19 schools join us Saturday for our programming contest hosted and sponsored

Dozens of teachers and industry volunteers made this possible by judging problems, registering students, trekking up & down stairs passing out food & T-shirts, hunting for power cables and more!  Special thanks to our precision judges and staff: coordinator, Elton Pinto and speaker, Gus Lopez. All of your contributions were invaluable to making this event a big success.  Again thank you all so much.

Congratulations to all of our participants!  Here are our top winners:
  • Novice 1st: Rebecca W., Ryan M., & Franklin S. from Garfield High School
  • Novice 2nd: Nicholas LS. & Akshay S. from Lakeside High School
  • Novice 3rd: Andy C. & Paul S. from STEM High School (LWSD)

  • Advanced 1st: Colin W. from Tahoma High School
  • Advanced 2nd: William B. & Ben F. from Garfield & Nova High Schools
  • Advanced 3rd: Alex E. who is home schooled.

Top schools represented were Issaquah & Garfield (5 teams each), Kings (4 Teams), and Bonnie Lake & Bothel (4 Teams each).  Thank you to all the teachers who helped promote our event.

Please share results and pictures with your students!
- Contest Results PDF
- Photos!
- Contest Problems & Data: PSCSTA Spring 2012

In addition, proceeds from our contests will be shared by awarding two $500 PSCSTA scholarships available to students who have participated in at least one of PSCSTA's computing events and want to go beyond their current understanding of computing.  Please pass this announcement to your participating students - all the details including the application can be found at this link and under the "Scholarships" tab of

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