- Topic: Nifty Lessons hosted by Greg Kilpatrick
- Date: Saturday, November 16, 2013, 10 am - 12 n followed by socializing and networking 12 − 1 pm
- Place: UW, Paul Allen Center for CSE (Directions & Parking)
- Create an animal logic puzzle program (Mark E’s idea) - http://mamialmo.com/
AnimaLogic/Animalogic.htm - Animalogic Rules
- Cryptography (from Mark: http://www.amazon.com/The-
Cryptoclub-Using-Mathematics- Secret/dp/156881223X, andhttp://www.cryptoclub.org/) - Fibbonacci flowers (http://www.susanrevans.com/
blog/2012/01/16/, http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=ahXIMUkSXX0, http://scratch.mit.edu/ projects/2277214) - Handouts (.ZIP)
- A cool Java program you build with the class in an AP-type course (examples: ball falling or roulette programs from CSE 142 or using Facebook API in 143)
- A CS Unplugged mini-lesson (it could be straight from CS Unplugged -- seeing it done is different from reading about it!)
- Something on an advanced topic like software engineering or HCI (design exercise)
- Something from a CS Principles type of course
- A fun activity that's peripherally related to CS (puzzles, ballparking, rubic's cubes)
Two clock hours will be provided for the workshop portion.
Contact Greg Kilpatrick if you are interested in sharing something nifty!
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