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Monday, October 14, 2013

Next meeting: Sat, 10/19 : Physical Computing Lab

Edit: workshop notes and resources posted.

Next PSCSTA Meeting: 
  • Topic: Physical Computing Lab with Arduino hosted by Andy Davidson
  • Date: Saturday, October 19, 2013
    10 am - 12 n followed by socializing and networking 12 − 1 pm
  • Place: UW, Sieg Hall, Room 233 (Map)
This month’s meeting is about physical computing — the blending of computer software and electronics hardware to create interactive systems. We’ll explore the Arduino platform, a small, open-source, inexpensive but powerful micro-controller that is used by artists, designers, engineers, hobbyists, and students for prototyping many different kinds of interactive systems and environments.

No prior electronics experience is necessary, and novice as well as expert programmers should find something fun and interesting. In a hands-on session, you’ll learn to create basic Arduino applications and see how it might be used in K-12 environments. I’ll have some beginner as well as advanced projects to work on.

PLEASE RSVP: If you intend to participate, please RSVP to Since this workshop involves hardware, I want to make sure I have enough systems for everyone. Please bring your own laptop to use and (if you have time) download and install the Arduino software on it before the workshop (it’s free!).

LOCATION: Note that we are NOT meeting in the usual location this month, but will be in Sieg Hall, which is very close to the CSE building.

Two clock hours will be provided for the workshop portion.

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