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Sunday, September 22, 2013

NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing

As many of you know, the NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing honors young women who are active and interested in computing and encourages them to pursue their passions. Award recipients receive cool prizes as well as access to scholarships, internships, and a community of like-minded, technical young women. Girls with all levels of experience are encouraged to apply: the award recognizes aspirations as well as accomplishments!

Educators who endorse their student's applications are eligible to win the NCWIT Educator Award (Paul Osborne and Sam Procopio are past winners in Washington). Educator Award winners receive up to $1000 toward professional development. This year, educators also will be entered into a drawing for each student they endorse. The more students you encourage to apply, the more likely you are to win a laptop or tablet!

The award application at is now open and will close October 31st. Please encourage girls you know to apply and pass on this message to parent newsletters, teachers and other groups who work with girls.

You can use this flyer and small poster to advertise.

Here are a few reasons you should encourage girls to apply:
- the application process gets girls thinking about the role of computing in their futures
- schools and school boards pay attention to courses that result in students getting awards
- the prizes are substantial
- 20 girls will be recognized in Washington state so there are a lot of awards to go around
- nominators become eligible for the educator award
- UW CSE will be hosting the award ceremony again and we'll use the opportunity to expose winners to more cool computer science

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