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Thursday, September 12, 2013

10/11 at UW: Counselors for Computing

What: A conference for middle and high school counselors about computing.
When: Friday, October 11th 8:30am - 3pm
Where: UW Paul Allen Center for CSE
Why: More and more students are interested in computing and this is a great opportunity for counselors to learn how to guide them.

Please, please share this letter to counselors and this letter to administrators in your school or with your kids' schools!

Dear PSCSTA Members:

Greetings from the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT). I manage the Counselors for Computing program, which brings professional development to counselors in places where changes in CS education have implications for guidance. We are presenting a program at UW in conjunction with the UW Computer Science and Engineering department and the Washington School Counselor Association on October 11, 2013 and would appreciate your help in getting get the word out to counselors in your school.

In addition, if you as a CS teacher feel moved to speak to counselors (or if you can recommend someone else), let me know and we'll send an invitation along.


Jane Krauss
NCWIT Counselors for Computing

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