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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

9/21: September meeting - Scratch 2.0

Edit: workshop notes and resources posted

Next PSCSTA Meeting:
Scratch 2.0 offers several valuable improvements over prior versions.  Join us to learn about making programs more interactive with video and sound and to see how building new blocks can help students learn about abstraction.  Prior experience with Scratch is not required.  If you are an experienced Scratch teacher, please bring some assignment ideas to share with the group!  Teachers of all disciplines are invited -- bring your colleagues!

Two clock hours will be provided for the workshop portion.

This is a football game day so there may be extra traffic on campus.  Parking is provided free of charge by UW.  Please e-mail us if you did not receive parking instructions through the PSCSTA mailing list.

Upcoming events:
  • NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing registration opens 9/18 and closes 10/31.  Encourage all tech-savvy high school girls you know to apply.
  • Counselors for Computing on Friday October 11th 8:30am - 3pm.  Details and registration here.

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